Bilingual/English as a Second Language
Title III, Part A: English Language Acquisition
Our goal is to ensure the success of every emergent bilingual student in Region 18
ESC Region 18 Bilingual/ESL/Title III Team provides technical assistance and professional development to provide educators with the tools necessary to ensure all emergent bilingual students reach high-quality academic achievement standards. Additionally, district members of the Region 18 ESC Title III, Part A Shared Service Arrangement receive direct services and support aligned to the purposes and intent of Title III, Part A of the Every Student Succeeds Act.
Region 18 Bilingual ESL Contracted Fee Service provides a comprehensive range of assistance and professional development designed to support LEAs in the administration of Bilingual and ESL Programs that meet federal, state, and local program requirements. Our services provide support for instructional practices as well as linguistically accommodated content for emergent bilingual students.