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Legal Framework

Texas Legal Framework


Legal Framework Logo


The Texas Legal Framework is a statewide leadership project partnering the Texas Education Agency and Region 18 Education Service Center. The project which includes contacts from each educational service center is a compilation of state and federal requirements for special education organized by topic in a user-friendly format.


This site includes frameworks, publications, and resources helpful in the special education process. There is a glossary of terms and acronyms, links to laws, rules and guidance, and a search feature.


The Mobile Site resizes content for use on mobile devices like phones and tablets so you can even take the Texas Legal Framework with you wherever you go.


Local school board policies of all public schools across Texas are linked to the framework. These policies can be accessed by entering your county-district number in the area provided.


Schools may use the Texas Legal Framework as:

  • A reference in managing the special education system’s procedures and records;
  • Ensure accountability;
  • Access relevant special education information; and
  • Manage system change for continuous student performance and program improvement

Desiree Caddell

Desiree Caddell

Director of Special Education



S Blume

Suzanne Blume

Educational Consultant | Special Education



S Cecil

Sarah Cecil

Assistant Director of Special Education


B Muniz

Belma Muniz

Administrative Assistant for Special Populations


Julie Swendig

Renee Walker

Educational Consultant | Legal Framework


sue watkins

Sue Watkins

Legal Framework Consultant
